Kiley's Stories

My School Is a Great Place to Learn

By Kiley (1st grade)

First of all this is not an essay. It is something about something (which makes it an essay. Great.) My school is awesome and I am going to tell you why. All the friends, teachers, the library, and of course all other classrooms are the great things about my school.

My friends are very nice and great at being funny! My friends have always been a great helping hand. They are very talented. They are very creative. Nothing can go wrong with friends like that.

My teachers on the other hand are mean! Hah! Just kidding! Cool joke huh? Anyway they are very nice and creative in fact. They come up with great ideas for me and my classmates. I love my teachers.

The library is my favorite classroom because of the books. You see I love to read. In fact reading is my favorite subject. It also makes me very comfortable with all those books around me. So books rock!

All the other classrooms are great too. There is space and friendship in the rooms. And that’s why I love my school.