What Am I?

What Am I?

Color by color
Shape by shape
Piece by piece

The moment you realize
Exactly where it fits
Is a feeling unlike any other

What am I?

What Am I?

What Am I?

Usually I am small,

Hidden behind smoky gray. 

Tonight I am bright, round, and full. 

I am a source of light and hope

In the endless sea of black. 

What am I?

What Am I?

What Am I?

Colorful, bright
Yet so frustrating
Small rainbow pieces
That I want to shatter

I hate you.
What am I?

What Am I?

What Am I?

Twitching and shivering
Holding hands with the breeze
Red and orange
I match the oak trees

I may be small, but I have power
I’m a package deal with winter
That is, if I fall
What am I?

Books What Am I?

What Am I?

Floating through the air
Swirling between the strands of grass
The naked eye cannot see
My golden yellow glow

I come from the grass and the trees
I am transferred via bees
I am small and yellow too,
And I make you say, “Achoo!”

What Am I?

What Am I?

What Am I?

Gliding smoothly across the surface
Cutting gracefully through the teal waters
Stretching my wings far and wide
Whipping my mystical tail

I have wings but I do not fly
I see through minuscule eyes
I have a long tail, unlike you
I live in a habitat clear and blue.

What Am I?