Kiley's Stories

The Battle of the Seasons

The battle between Spring and Summer has begun causing wild storms to appear in our midst. We all know that Summer will win in the end, for it is already creeping upon us. The temperature is going up, thus more people are trying to protect themselves from the sun’s harmful rays. The rain pours down as a sign that Spring desperately struggles to persevere against Summer.

But Summer has global warming on its side. People have made a terrible mistake by starting global warming, for now they are powerless to stop it. One day, Spring is bravely holding off Summer with its rain and cherry blossoms—but Summer takes Spring out with a powerful burst from its ally, the Sun.

Spring does not give up. It tries to shock Summer with a lightning bolt, but it is too late. Spring was down too long. Summer had come, causing Spring’s close friend Fall to surrender down in the Southern Hemisphere.

The battle has ended, so sit down, relax, and say hello to Summer!