Bits and Pieces


The universe. Our galaxy. Our solar system. Our planet. The world is so, so, so small. 

But it’s huge. I’m one girl, in one town. In one state, in one country, on one continent. One hemisphere. I’m small. The world is so, so, so big.

Every second, someone dies. Every second, someone is born. Life is a constant cycle, a cycle in the midst of a really big universe. A really big existence. 

My days stretch into weeks, into years, into decades. The decades make a lifetime. The lifetime makes me. My future is so big and bright and overwhelming. But it’s so, so, so small compared to everything else.

Existence is a cycle of life and death, a circle of big and small. We are small, but we are strong. We can make our existence worthwhile. 

I plan each day at a time. Sometime each week. Sometimes I plan for decades in the future. 

I don’t know what I’m trying to say with this. Just that existence is big. But so are we. So are our lives.