Bits and Pieces


Luck or fate or whatever
Was not on my side

I forgot
To get something signed
I forgot
An item of clothing
A present for my friend
A water bottle
And tennis shoes

I studied all the wrong things
For my chemistry test
I memorized all my choir music
When I didn’t have to
And for the life of me
I could not focus
In AP World History
Which happens to be the hardest class
In schools
Across the entire planet

I didn’t play
In the volleyball game
When one of my best friends decided to come
And as I sat on the bench
Cheering and shouting
I thought,
“Luck or fate or whatever
Is really not on my side today.”


My practice was canceled
And I can now go to a club meeting
That I couldn’t before
I found out that I get to be a lawyer
In an upcoming mock trial
When my coach inspected my grades
She saw that my lowest grade right now
Is a 95%.
I discovered that I’m okay with riding the bench
If we win
(Which we did).

I also discovered
That even if
Luck or fate or whatever
Isn’t on your side,
A bad day
Might be rough around the edges,
But it can still be
Good at its core.

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