The alarm startles me
Today is the day.
Today is the
National Book Festival.
My love for
Books is pretty
This festival is a place
Where I can let
My inner nerd
Reign free.
I’m very excited.
I’m also very tired.
But I’m excited.
Author: Kiley
Wash Tape Notebook

This notebook is fun and only takes 20 minutes. It is made using brightly colored wash tape or duct tape. Just find any folder, notebook, or journal and make a tape pattern. I really enjoyed the overall effect!
I see the bold colors on trees.
I hear the rustle of leaves.
I smell the rain on the pavement.
I feel the chill of the breeze.
I taste the thick, autumn air.
It is here.
It is fall.
Creepy crawlies
Spooky shadows
Dusty walls
Dripping red
In the closet
Creaking doors
Turning knobs
Under beds
Monsters are coming.
Soft pink petals
Tufts of green
A dreamy meadow
Means peaceful sleep.
Class Schedule
I’m dying on the inside. Everybody knows their homerooms. Classes. But I’m clueless. I’m anxious. I’m waiting. I can’t wait. I’m excited and scared. I need my schedule. Well, not literally. But I’m so ecstatic to know, I’m sitting on the edge of my seat. It’s almost here. My class schedule.
Book Page Sign
Empty Room
White walls
No furniture
Just empty space
No one
In this lonely place
I sit down
Not knowing
What to do
I’m sad
I’m scared
Of this empty room
Fear Landscape
Eight little legs scuttling along.
The airbag explodes with a bang.
A jagged cliff with rapids down below.
Dirt piles onto the coffin, screams still emitting from the box.
The small metal box that begins to close.
An elevator plummets, four stories at a time.
Flames lick the building, burning everything inside.