The Meaning of Maggie by Megan Jean Sovern is an exceptional book about a gifted young girl, and how she handles being a sixth grader. In this heartfelt, hilarious story, the Mayfield family has to “pull up their bootstraps” and work together to get through life. As Maggie’s story continues, she discovers more about her dad, her family, and herself. The Meaning of Maggie is perfect for gifted children, and girls from fifth grade to eighth.
Author: Kiley
Thanksgiving Feast
People roaming everywhere
The scent of turkey in the air
Beers and soda for everyone
Chatting with family is tons of fun
It’s getting late so now let’s eat
Our wonderfully wild Thanksgiving feast
The Cozy Little Boat
The blue sky above us
The blue water below
Cruising along
In this cozy little boat
I dip my feet in
The cold ocean blue
I sigh with relief
And let out a “Phew!”
The wind blows hard
And my cheeks burn pink
This is the best thing ever
I think
Then we dock
And the boat slows down
And soon we’re back
On the ground
We head inside
And I take a glance back
Oh what it would be
To have a boat like that.
Gliding over the clouds
Staring down at the city,
The lights twinkle brightly
The cars like tiny ants
The beauty of it takes my breath away
And in my own way,
My own little amusement park
Because I’m
Soaring over California.
Toe tapping
Mind racing
Nail biting
Time ticking
Heart pounding
Head throbbing
Just two days
Until this anticipation
Fades away
Beautiful Strangeness
The moon swam
Through a sea of stars
Glistening in the night
The trees bathed
In the light of the sun
And its sparkling rays
The clouds dropped
Onto the skyscrapers down below
Dreary, foggy, and damp
The snow burnt
Into a puff of air
When it escaped the shadows and saw sunlight
The world is a beautiful and strange place
Look closely to see the beauty
Look closer to see the strange.
Birthday Buddy
Today is October 7th, 2014. Today, I turn another year old.
But I’m not the only one. My best friend’s birthday is today too. I’m so happy to have her as a birthday buddy. MR, you are the best.
I don’t have much more to say. Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday.
And thanks Mommy, for helping me make my awesome birthday cake!
My heart pulses
My stomach races
My brain is set alight with questions.
My palms are sweaty
My face is glowing
I’m on the edge of my seat…
Not now.
Not yet.
But I know it will come.
The wind blows through the
The flowers start to
The boy looks very
The sky is turning
The sun sets on a purple
The women have had their hearts broken
The men have done the
The ball slams into the
The bowl crashes to the
I want to know, not just
I want to listen, not just
I want not to look…
But to see.
Falling Down
I made a mistake. A long time ago, I told you all that you don’t have time to think about falling. That, when you fall down, you don’t have time to be scared. But you do. That split second before you actually fall, and you know what’s about to happen. And then, bam! It happens.
Today I took a fall. And I was so scared. Because I knew that when I swerved my scooter, I was going to fall. And there was nothing I could do about it. And that’s… Terrifying.