Playing sports is about lots of different things. It’s about getting into shape. It’s about getting to be a better player. It’s about being socially active. And, yes, sometimes it’s about winning. But in order to win, it’s important to be a team. To do that, teammates need to connect with each other, and really bond. They need to lose as one, win as one, and play as one.
Author: Kiley
In this world, there are few who can appreciate originality. And yet, there are few who do not crave it. Those who try to stand out, then tease those who also stand out, confuse me the most. If everyone in this world could appreciate each other’s differences, we could make the world a better place. Think about that.
Family Haikus
My cousin is near
She is oh so very dear
She is almost here.
My family will come
To my hometown very soon
And I cannot wait.
Sammy is coming
He is a little cutie
Sam, and Nora too!
Aunt Veronica
Her daughter Sofie and her
Husband Kenny too!
Rossmans are coming
I cannot wait to see them
Only 3 more days!
Happy Fourth of July everyone! Do you know what this holiday is really about? America. But do you know what America is really about? It’s not about speaking English and playing baseball. America is about diversity. People of different cultures, religions, and genders coming together to represent their country. It doesn’t matter what language we speak, what color skin we have. It matters who we are, on the inside. I’m proud to be an American, inside and out.
The definition of perfect is a three letter word. This word is a synonym to special, unique, and original. This word is just as perfect as the person in describes.
This word is YOU.
Snapshot of a memory
Photo of the past
Picture of the future
Image of my laugh
My smile
My style
My hair
My lair
My home
My town
My city
And I’m proud
Of my scrapbook.
Summer: Not So Hot
Sunshine glimmer and shine
Burns this pale face of mine
Rich, green grass
Makes me itchy really fast
White, fluffy clouds
Jet engines are so loud!
Summer is so nice
Now, fill my drink with ice!
Every time I turn the corner I see it. It makes me smile and giggle like a school girl, it makes me blush as red as a tomato. I see it at basketball. I see it at swim. I see it at school. I see it everywhere. It makes me feel young, pretty, and happy. Can you guess what it is?
Mrs. Morris, The Librarian
Your guidance has inspired me
While you have admired me
I have looked up to you
And seen your heart,
Whole and true
You are as kind as a newborn sun
And are loads and loads of fun
Race, age, size, looks
Anyone, anywhere
Can find a good fit book.
Busy Bee
In the next few weeks, I’ve got a lot going on. I have something I have to do every single night. I have rehearsal for the play I’m in, Beauty and the Beast. I am currently on two basketball teams. And, I have swimming every night. I feel bad that I have so many activities, because my brother and I have our SOL’s over the next few weeks, and most nights we’ll get home pretty late. My mommy told me to brace myself for being stressed out and tired. Oh, I braced myself. It still sucks. I sometimes wish I could go back to being a baby, without a care in the world. But then I realize that my life is great, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Not even the chance to clear my calendar.