Sweaty palms
Shaking hands
Throbbing fingers
White as ice
Red as a tomato
But I won’t let go
I won’t…
I won’t…
I can’t…
I can’t…
I didn’t.
Author: Kiley
Hades, My Brother, and a Pair of Eyeballs
Hello readers. I haven’t posted here in a while, so I thought I’d write an update.
For everyone out there who doesn’t know me, and even the people who do, you must think I’m a real downer. I mean, all I write about is pain and anger and fear. I realize that I’ve been using this website to rant about all the bad things in my life, rather than praising the good things. So, I decided to make a list of all the good things in my life.
My Mommy- She is my kindred spirit and the best mom in the world
My Daddy- He is hilarious, caring, and so wonderful. I love him so much.
My brother- He is a pain in the butt sometimes, but I still love him with all my heart. He is the sweetest, smartest, most amazing kid I know.
My Grammy- She is so kind, generous, helpful, and I love her to death (not literally)
My Grandpa- Give it up for the genius who runs this blog. I love his sense of humor, his kind smile, and his witch hat he wears every Halloween 🙂
My Grandma- She is amazingly generous, caring, and kind. I love her so so much.
My Grandpa S- He is kind, helpful, and funny. I love and miss him tons.
My cousins- They are loud, crazy, and a bit hectic… And that’s why I love them with every part of my heart.
My Aunts and Uncles- All of these amazing people are kind, patient, sweet, and fun. I love you all so much.
My friends- My BFF’s are always there for me, and are all so supportive. They are the best friends ever if I am in desperate need of a laugh.
Books- I just reorganized my books by genre in alphabetical order. FOR FUN. I am such a nerd…. Isn’t it awesome?
Music- It helps me get through the really tough moments. It is pretty much my life (apart from reading and writing)
Eyes- I know you think that’s a weird one, but I am really tired, and I am thankful I have them… and now I will shut them.
One last thing: Don’t expect this every week. I am still a sensitive preteen who wakes up every other day in a really bad mood. I just thought I should let you know I am not the daughter of Hades.
My Grandpa
My Grandpa is many things.
Most of all, he is my role model.
Happy Birthday Grandpa.
Getting Older Sucks. Just Saying.
I haven’t been posting much lately. Partly because I just don’t have time. My life is a big blur of busy. Whenever I think, “Finally, I can do something I want to do!” I remember some other chore or homework I have to complete. It’s very agitating. I have so much going on, I doubt I can list it all. All County Chorus, basketball, auditions for plays, the science fair, chores, homework, SIGNET. . . and on top of all that I need more sleep. Which means I need to go to bed earlier. Which means I lose the opportunity to relax and spend time charging my batteries. Whether it be reading, writing, playing or what, I need a break from work. That’s because I’m a kid. I’m pretty lucky
that way. Because the thing is, in real life, you don’t get breaks. The work just keeps coming. You don’t get playtime. You don’t have recess.
Buildings tower
Over tiny street lights
The wind plays softly
A quiet whisper in the night
The cars below
Are bees in a swarm
Of honking Hot Wheels
That try to keep warm
I take a deep breath
As a plane whooshes by
So this is what it feels like
To truly be up high.
I’m procrastinating
I’m procrastinating
I’m procrastinating
I’m procrastinating
I’m procrastinating
I don’t want to!
I don’t want to!
I don’t want to!
I don’t want to!
I guess I should
I guess I should
I guess I should
I guess I should
Maybe instead…
Maybe instead…
Maybe instead…
But Mom!
But Mom!
But Mom!
But Mom!
Fine I will
Fine I will
Fine I will
Fine I will
Just one more level…
Just one more level…
Just one more level…
Just one more level…
Homework grade= B
The Dentist
Tomorrow morning I have a dental appointment. My younger brother has always had a problem with the dentist. So, I always play it cool when we go together. But on the inside… I’m mortified. The strange, funky looking tools they stick in my mouth. The icky, gooey toothpaste that trickles down the back of my throat. I hate it. And I just want to say, it really sucks that I don’t have anyone to hold my hand. ‘Cause all of us older kids have to look like we’re not afraid. Our younger siblings look up to us. We’re the ones who look brave during strep tests, dentist appointments, and just flat out life. But trust me. We’re terrified. Just thought you should know.
A Few Important Notes
– Love is unconditional.
– Good people make mistakes. Better people realize their mistakes. Even better people learn from their mistakes.
– Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
– Perfection is impossible. You are perfect just the way you are.
– Being unique is never, ever a bad thing.
– Stereotypes don’t make a person who they are.
– Labels are only judging one layer of a person out of a million.
– Everyone falls. The challenge is to get back up.
Proud of the Story of Love
Yesterday, I wrote this in my journal: It is as easy to love as it is to die. Yet not being loved is worse then death. Nobody realizes the importance of love ’till it is gone. And one cannot love unless one is loved. That is the story of love.
I read this again tonight, and I am proud of it. These words could someday be known as great literature. Writing this also makes me realize that I need to widen my choices in reading in order to become a successful author. If you are reading this, and also hope to become and author someday, I suggest you pick up a famous and totally new book. You might discover the true meaning in things you never thought twice about.
How many of you know exactly what you’re going to be when you grow up? How many of you know what college you’re going to go to? That’s me. My entire future is pretty much all planned out. I know where I’m going to college, what I’m going to be… everything. But the other day, I was asked this question: Why are you here? And I didn’t have an answer. I sat there, and I thought, “Why am I here?” I know where I’m going, what I’m working toward… But I don’t know what my purpose is. After thinking for a while, I found this answer: My purpose is to support the people I love and to challenge myself to aspire in what I do. Now, it’s your turn. Why are you here?