Bits and Pieces Think

A Few Important Notes

– Love is unconditional.
– Good people make mistakes. Better people realize their mistakes. Even better people learn from their mistakes.
– Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
– Perfection is impossible. You are perfect just the way you are.
– Being unique is never, ever a bad thing.
– Stereotypes don’t make a person who they are.
– Labels are only judging one layer of a person out of a million.
– Everyone falls. The challenge is to get back up.

Bits and Pieces

Proud of the Story of Love

Yesterday, I wrote this in my journal: It is as easy to love as it is to die. Yet not being loved is worse then death. Nobody realizes the importance of love ’till it is gone. And one cannot love unless one is loved. That is the story of love.
I read this again tonight, and I am proud of it. These words could someday be known as great literature. Writing this also makes me realize that I need to widen my choices in reading in order to become a successful author. If you are reading this, and also hope to become and author someday, I suggest you pick up a famous and totally new book. You might discover the true meaning in things you never thought twice about.

Bits and Pieces

All Planned Out Yet Can’t Answer This…

How many of you know exactly what you’re going to be when you grow up? How many of you know what college you’re going to go to? That’s me. My entire future is pretty much all planned out. I know where I’m going to college, what I’m going to be… everything. But the other day, I was asked this question: Why are you here? And I didn’t have an answer. I sat there, and I thought, “Why am I here?” I know where I’m going, what I’m working toward… But I don’t know what my purpose is. After thinking for a while, I found this answer: My purpose is to support the people I love and to challenge myself to aspire in what I do. Now, it’s your turn. Why are you here?

Bits and Pieces

An 11-Year-Old’s Night (in a Nutshell)

I reluctantly brush my teeth

I groan when I find another floss bag- I thought I wasn’t going to have to floss!

I dance around my room for 30 min.

I climb into bed and put about five blankets on- then take them off- and then put them on again

I fall asleep and dream about bunnies! (Or vicious, man-eating monsters- your choice.)

Bits and Pieces

An 11-Year-Old’s Day (in a Nutshell)

Christmas is 10 days away
Half of my shopping is done
I have $30 in my pocket
The play I’m in opens Thursday
I just almost won a basketball game
Tomorrow, I’m doing Secret Santa
Life is good.

Bits and Pieces Poems

My Mommy

She is the star to my tree
The snow to my plow
I try singing without her
But I don’t know how
She’s part of my duet
We’re jelly and jam
If I am the turkey,
She is the ham
I know my rhyming
is pretty bad
But I hope this last line
Makes you glad:
Love left with you
And love will come back with you
And love will wait here for you
All the hours in between.

Bits and Pieces

A Shattered Wall

Sometimes, I feel like my temper and I are standing on opposite sides of a glass wall. Every time I get annoyed, my temper punches the wall, and it cracks. A tiny crack, but enough to make it easier next time I get frustrated. Sometimes, after a lot of punching, the wall shatters. I can’t prevent the wall from shattering, but I can pick up the pieces and build a new one.

Bits and Pieces Poems

Let it Go

Sometimes it’s hard to keep it in
Sometimes it’s hard to be a good girl
Sometimes it’s hard to look the part
Sometimes it’s hard to hide my feelings
Sometimes it’s hard to make decisions
Sometimes it’s hard to stand up to people
Sometimes it’s hard to do what I believe in
Sometimes it’s hard to control my temper
Sometimes I have to let it go

Bits and Pieces

We Are Human Beings

Some adults think they can talk to kids as if they’re not human beings. They think they can treat children like it would make no difference if the kid weren’t there. We are not dogs. We have brains, and I think we use them pretty well, thank you very much. We have feelings, and we can’t control them as much as you can. We have fears, and if you threaten us you’ll become one of them. Do you really want to be something a child is afraid of?

Bits and Pieces Think

Being Oblivious and Wrong vs. Right

Most human beings are oblivious to the fact that other people are not thinking about them. Nobody cares what you’re doing wrong, they’re too busy trying to hide what THEY’RE doing wrong. And if someone does notice what you do wrong, it is probably for one of the following reasons: One, they are having a bad day. Two, they like you. It’s as simple as that. Take my word for it. People don’t notice what you’re doing wrong- they only notice when you do something right.