
Happy Birthday, Mommy

Haikus for Mommy

I love my mommy!
She takes care of and loves me.
Happy birthday, Mom!

A kindred spirit;
She will always care for me.
Have a great birthday!

I love my mom with all my heart and I hope that she had a fantastic birthday!



By Austin C. G. (first grade)

Hello! My name is Austin. I am a paleontologist. My favorite dinosaur is . . . Ankylosaurus! You thought I was going to say T-rex!  Because everybody loves a T-rex but ankylosaurus can beat a T-rex if it had to!

They have a club on the end of the tail for fighting. Paleontologists used to think they had a second brain there but they don’t. The ankylosaurus eats plants. They are herbivores! It was 25–35 feet long. It weighed 3–4 tons. It had bony plates on its eyes and all over it. But its belly was not guarded by anything.


Uncle Byron

Today is my uncle’s birthday. I wish him a great 40th birthday.

Birthday Haiku

My Uncle Byron
Reader, golfer, dad of three
Have a great birthday!


Recommended Books

I thought I would give kids some recommendations of books they should read. Here are some recommended books for kids ages 8-12.

  • A great series full of adventure, magic, and history is The Magic Tree House series. I think that 7 and 8 year olds will love this amazing series of stories by Mary Pope Osborne.
  • Another great series is the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. It is filled with magic, exciting characters, dangerous villains, and so much more! I think 9–10 year olds will love this set of books.
  • A great series for 12 year olds is The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It is a very interesting trilogy, but it may be too intense for younger children.

Thomas Jefferson

Hey, friends! Today, I want to tell you a bit about why I call my website

This quotation was written by Thomas Jefferson on June 10, 1815. The letter he wrote to John Adams said, “I cannot live without books; but fewer will suffice where amusement, and not use, is the only future object.” To me, this means that Jefferson loved books but since he was growing older he would try to have fewer books. He would use his books for enjoyment and not for research or work.

In 1815, Jefferson sold his entire library of books to the Library of Congress because it had been burned down by the British.  He sold them more than 6,000 books and stories. They paid him $23,950. That was a lot of money during Jefferson’s time! Some of Jefferson’s books are still in Washington, D.C., today in the Library of Congress.

That is why I named my website I love books like Thomas Jefferson, and I hope you do as well.


First Day on the Web

Hey, friends! Today, I got two new books from my awesome library teacher. I just can’t wait to read them! She gave them to me because she really likes this website. 🙂

Did you know that the Virginia Readers’ Choice Awards are coming soon? You can vote if you read two books from the same list. I get to vote because I read two books. I recommend Drita, My Homegirl by Jenny Lombard. If you live in Virginia, ask your classroom or library teacher about the Virginia Readers’ Choice Awards!



By Alex S. (first grade)

Chapter 1—Stars
Stars are gigantic balls of gas. The sun is a medium sized star. A star called Betelgeuse is as wide from the sun to Mars. Betelgeuse is the shoulder of Orion.

Chapter 2 Planets
Planets are big balls. Earth is the only planet with life that we know of. Saturn’s rings are chunks of ice and rocks. Mars is sometimes used in movies for aliens.

Chapter 3 Black Holes
Black holes are like tornadoes in space. They suck everything in them.

Chapter 4 The Big Bang
The Big Bang is when the universe started. The whole universe was a tiny dot. Then the dot exploded. That’s when our universe started. This huge explosion is called the Big Bang.

Chapter 5 The Moon and Asteroids
The moon has craters. Those craters are from asteroids. We usually see the moon when it’s night. Sometimes we can see it at noon. Asteroids sometimes have craters from smaller asteroids.