

The recent film Pixels is a hilarious movie with witty one-liners and fantastic actors. Adam Sandler is, as always, hysterical. The other actors are equally suited to their respective roles. There were a few uncomfortable moments, mostly involving Josh Gad, but overall this film was a hit. Pixels had me laughing every few minutes, and I enjoyed it from top to bottom. 


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling

Yes, it’s true, I am rereading Harry Potter. This is my sixth time reading the series, and it gets better every time. The magic always hits me in the gut, and I get the wondrous feeling of discovering this universe. Time and time again, I love this book. It is witty, sweet, charming, and thought-provoking. Harry, Ron, and Hermione have been a part of my life for a very long time. This book is beautiful and I am thrilled to be reading it again.


Life As We Knew It by Susan Pfeffer

Life As We Knew It by Susan Pffefer is a breathtaking novel about a world where the moon is moved closer to the earth. This causes earthquakes, tidal waves, and volcanic eruptions galore. I was blown away at this beautiful novel and was completely inspired. 

This spine-tingling book follows Miranda and her family of four’s struggle to survive one more day. Along the way they encounter dozens of hardships, yet they know how lucky they truly are. I recommend this dystopian book for anybody who enjoys books that have you on the edge of your seat. Because this is a book that has you clinging to every word. 


Gravity Falls

Gravity Falls is an animated TV series on Disney XD, and it has captivated audiences across the globe. This show is a great balance of humor and mystery. It is an eerie, yet funny twist on classic animated shows.

Gravity Falls, created by Alex Hirsch, is about 12-year-old twins who spend the summer at their Great Uncle’s house in the woods. He owns a tourist attraction called the Mystery Shack, located in Gravity Falls, Oregon. In this town the twins make new friends, meet new people, and see some very unnatural things.

This cartoon takes animation to a whole other level. It is funny, charming, and has a balance of humor that appeals to all ages, It is also dark and mysterious. The creators leave you to figure out the mystery behind Gravity Falls, and it is a wild rollercoaster ride.

I’d give this show a 9.5/10. It may seem like a children’s show, but it is a fantastic series for all ages.


The Maze Runner, by James Dashner

Over my vacation I read James Dashner’s hit novel The Maze Runner. I sped through it pretty quickly, and started combing the airport for the second book in the series. I loved this book (like most novels I read). It was action-packed, mysterious, with a hint of gore. I also felt very connected to the characters, who were deep but hilarious all in one. I cannot wait to finish the rest of the series!


Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

A while ago, we read The Hunger Games as a family. I really liked it, but for some reason I have waited a very long time to read the sequel, Catching Fire. Then on Thursday night I picked up the book and began to read.

It is incredible. The killer suspense, the blood and gore, the love and loss. I zipped through Catching Fire in less than a day, and moved on to Mockingjay. Catching Fire is a perfect balance of science fiction and reality. It captures the picture of Dystopian society, and yet has a certain elegance and beauty that cannot be described. Catching Fire is eerie, creepy, and an all around astounding book. I cannot wait to reach the end of the series. And although I enjoyed the first book, and will equally enjoy the next one, neither will come close to topping the sequel; Catching Fire.


The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

Anyone who knows me knows what a humongous Harry Potter fan I am. I have read these books at least five times, and know the movie lines by heart. However, I thought I’d let everyone know what is so great about these books.

In the world of Harry Potter, readers are transported to a magical and unbelievable place where anything is possible. Rowling has created a beautiful world that balances real life and fantasy. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry captures the idea of a perfect boarding school.

Now, don’t even get me started on the characters. Each character in the books, big or small, plays an important role in the story. The characters are vividly described, and are a combination of people you meet here in the “Muggle” world, and fictional witches and wizards. I personally connect with Hermione Granger, who is a strong female character that stays true to herself and her promises.

Harry Potter is a series of novels that top all others. Throughout all seven books, the world remains just as magical, the characters remain just as mystical, and the writing remains just as incredible. If anything, the books steadily improve, because you get to know the characters better as the story continues.

J.K. Rowling has probably received higher praise from much wiser people than a 12-year-old girl, but she has captured my heart with these novels, and I will cherish the world she created forever. Thank you, Ms. Rowling. You truly are my hero.

Book of the Week Reviews

Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper

This week, I finished rereading one of my favorite novels, Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper. This book is interesting and thought-provoking. It is the story of a young girl named Melody who is diagnosed with cerbal palsy. Melody is very bright, but she can’t talk and so she ends up going insane! I feel for anybody who has to experience that, for it must be very difficult. Ms. Draper has given us a special gift by writing this novel. I recommend it for anyone with an open mind and open heart.


The Croods

I just finished watching one of my favorite movies, The Croods. This animated film is hilarious and heartwarming. The overall message is clear: follow the light. It’s a message that more people should hear. Everyone should know that no matter how bad things look, always find the good in others, and in yourself. 

Although this is a very intriguing movie, like every film, it has its flaws. There are some moments when you feel like the movie will never end. The first time I watched The Croods, I burst into tears. This time, I felt like it dragged on a little longer than it should’ve. 

Overall, this is a touching family film that will have you laughing, crying, and finding a reason to follow the light. 


The Red Pencil

The Red Pencil
By Andrea Davis Pinkney

Is a wondrous novel
That shouts the truth
From inside a story.

It is an enchanting
And exciting tale
About Amira Bright,
A headstrong young girl
Who is kind,
And curious about
The world around her.

Amira’s playful spirit
Keeps the story light
As her family struggles
Through dark times.

For me,
This book had a puzzling end
But an inspiring one.

Never stop writing,
Ms. Pinkney.
This book is
A gift to the world.