

By Alex S. (first grade)

Chapter 1—Stars
Stars are gigantic balls of gas. The sun is a medium sized star. A star called Betelgeuse is as wide from the sun to Mars. Betelgeuse is the shoulder of Orion.

Chapter 2 Planets
Planets are big balls. Earth is the only planet with life that we know of. Saturn’s rings are chunks of ice and rocks. Mars is sometimes used in movies for aliens.

Chapter 3 Black Holes
Black holes are like tornadoes in space. They suck everything in them.

Chapter 4 The Big Bang
The Big Bang is when the universe started. The whole universe was a tiny dot. Then the dot exploded. That’s when our universe started. This huge explosion is called the Big Bang.

Chapter 5 The Moon and Asteroids
The moon has craters. Those craters are from asteroids. We usually see the moon when it’s night. Sometimes we can see it at noon. Asteroids sometimes have craters from smaller asteroids.


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling

This is a book that can blow you away! In this book, a young boy named Harry Potter gets a visit from a man—or half giant—named Hagrid. Hagrid tells Harry that he is a wizard. Harry is shocked and doesn’t believe that it could be real. Harry is proven wrong when he steps in to the magical castle of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry has a habit of getting into trouble, and he just happens to meet two friends who are mischievous as well. With their help, Harry tries to find a mysterious sorcerer’s stone before a greedy teacher can. But a surprise awaits him. Will Harry find the stone? Can he and his friends save Hogwarts? Find out in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Kiley's Stories


By Kiley (2nd grade)

Cups rattled and colored leaves blew. My purple hat went flying and then my dog turned bright pink and grew five red eyes! His claws grew three times bigger while his teeth became sharper and sharper! My poor little Oreo! (That’s his name.)

Oreo’s nose turned dark blue as the wind howled and whistled so hard that my blue eyes stung and my hands were frozen in place. Then I looked down . . . I really was freezing! Oh no, I crack! My entire body has frozen. The monster dog has buried me in the blowing bushes! Oreo stood guard as the moaning wind whistled louder than a train.

Suddenly, the sun came out and melted me! Oreo barked and then disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

Vendors in the street yelled and pink flowers bloomed. A long beautiful rainbow covered the green land. I was happy until the wind barked and a cat snuck up behind me—

To be continued…

Kiley's Stories

My School Is a Great Place to Learn

By Kiley (1st grade)

First of all this is not an essay. It is something about something (which makes it an essay. Great.) My school is awesome and I am going to tell you why. All the friends, teachers, the library, and of course all other classrooms are the great things about my school.

My friends are very nice and great at being funny! My friends have always been a great helping hand. They are very talented. They are very creative. Nothing can go wrong with friends like that.

My teachers on the other hand are mean! Hah! Just kidding! Cool joke huh? Anyway they are very nice and creative in fact. They come up with great ideas for me and my classmates. I love my teachers.

The library is my favorite classroom because of the books. You see I love to read. In fact reading is my favorite subject. It also makes me very comfortable with all those books around me. So books rock!

All the other classrooms are great too. There is space and friendship in the rooms. And that’s why I love my school.