
Take A Knee

Take a knee. Take a knee for the black men and women who have been shot down in the streets for the color of their skin. Take a knee for the young black boys and girls who grow up in a world where they have to be taught exactly how to act around police because otherwise they may get shot. Take a knee for Colin Kaepernick, an athlete who has the nerve to peacefully and silently protest, yet because of that he is being discriminated against and bullied. 

Take a knee in the best way you know how. That may mean kneeling during the national anthem, it may not. No one should kneel because of pressure. There are other ways to support the movement.  Write a letter. Make a donation. Stand by the black community, stand by the black lives matter movement. 

There is something wrong, hateful, and cruel going on in this country. Freedom is broken. It is our job, our right, to fix it. 

Take a chance. Take a stand. Take a knee. 

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