
Beat and Breathe

We all have beating hearts.
Some don’t work as well
Or last as long.
But they pulse.
The pump blood.
The fight to keep us here.

Can you hear it?
The beating of your heart?
The beating of all the hearts in your house?
The beating of all the hearts in your city?
In your country?
On this Earth?

I can.
I can hear it.

I can hear the wind
Rushing by my ear
Biting my cheek
Whipping my hair around me.

I can hear the ocean.
Lulling seashells to sleep,
It plays a melody
As it kisses the sun goodnight.

I can hear the fires
Crackling and popping
Warming the toes
Of little girls and boys
All of different sizes
Different colors
Different cultures.

But all these children
Warmed by fire
Warmed by the sun
Or warmed by the beating of their hearts,
They all breathe.

Some slower than others
Some have to work harder to do it
But the children breathe.
The adults breathe.
We all breathe.

Can you hear it?
Can you hear the sound of your own breath?

It’s there.
It’s always there.

So take a second.
Let your heart beat.
Let your head sit still.

We don’t always have to rush.
We just

to breathe.