
Black Lives Matter

“If, going forward, we can channel our justifiable anger into peaceful, sustained, and effective action, then this moment can be a real turning point in our nation’s long journey to live up to our highest ideals. Let’s get to work.” —Barack Obama

Figuring out how to write this took me a long time because I don’t want to overshadow black voices in a time when hearing them is so important. Therefore, I will try to keep my thoughts on this issue succinct. My thoughts consist mainly of questions, essential questions which remind me both of my privilege and how to approach the struggle against systemic racism in this country. 

Why has this country not, until now, given the Black Lives Matter movement the attention and support that it so clearly deserves?
Why have we let the movement fade in and out of the spotlight for so long without any real change?
Why do so many Americans, including the President, continue to justify systemic racism?
Why are some people using looting and burning, the actions of a few, to discredit an entire movement?
How can white Americans acknowledge their privilege and in turn utilize it for the good of the movement?
How do we ensure that black Americans receive the attention and justice they deserve even once the momentum has died down?

I cycle through these questions and the emotions that accompany them over and over again. Throughout this vicious cycle, I know that what I feel can never be compared to what my black counterparts feel on a regular basis. And so, I continue to ask questions. What can I do? How can I make a difference? How can I get to work?

I’m trying to educate myself. I’m donating. I’m protesting safely (though this is not possible for everyone). I’m trying to amplify black voices. I’m sharing things. I’m signing things. I’m working to propel this movement without taking away from the black communities with stories I can’t ever understand. I encourage everyone reading this to do the same.

Helpful links and posts:

2 replies on “Black Lives Matter”

Very thoughtful, Kiley. And encouraging … if we try our best, we can make a difference.

Way to go, Kiley. Beautifully stated. You’re a beautiful person just like your grandmother.

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