

Prompt: Write about a person obsessed with the color yellow.

My goldenrod-colored ceiling stares back at me in my spread-eagle position on the floor. In fact, every inch of my room is some shade of yellow. The curtains, pushed to the side to let in the California sun, are lemon. The bedspread displays a hundred sunflowers, matching the bouquet perched on my nightstand. My fan spins around in circles directly above my head, and the blades cast shadows across the pale yellow walls. A Tweety Bird key chain dangles from the fan’s center.

“Tweety, you look dead inside.” I mutter as her plastic blue eyes stare, unseeing, at my enormous smily face poster across the room. I dig my neon yellow nails into the pineapple-shaped carpet and sigh. Tears drip from my eyes, rolling sideways down my cheeks. Tweety continues to stare as the sunshine and bright room shroud her in a brilliant golden light.

They told me yellow was a happy color.